Love me or hate me, I don't mind either. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

someday ♥

i don't know how much longer
that i have to put up with everything
i've been hiding all the truth inside my heart

every time we meet ,
every time you turn to look me
though i look indifferent
do you know how much i have to force my self ?
can you hear my heart calling you , loving you ?
but i can't open my heart for anyone to know ..

can you hear it ?
my heart keeps waiting there for you
waiting for you to open it and hope you'll realize

though i love you
though i feel
bur deep down inside , i don't dare to tell you

can you hear it ?
my heart keeps waiting there for you
waiting for you to open it and hope you'll realize
that this person love you
please , i hope you will know
someday ♥

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